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naughtyamateurs giving us a peek at those tasty tits and dark nipples find a fuck friend on swurve
Heeze Treherne: naughtyamateurs giving us a peek at those tasty tits and dark nipples find a fuck friend on swurve

Really? Are all the good ones taken?? Please prove me wrong.I am looking for a connection - with someone 22 - 53. I am caring, loving, sensuous, spiritual, I have a good job that I love, have a house, car, everything I need. Except a partner, a lover, a best friend. Looking for a LTR. Looking for love, someone to spoil and who will spoil me back, make me feel loved and cherished. I am very loyal and trustworthy - please value these traits as much as I do.Please be very comfortable in a biracial relationship. It should be your preference not just a curiousity!I need you to over 6' - the taller the better. Send a pic and I will send one back.I

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